
Di News

Our films at the 44th Polish Feature Film Festival

At this year's 44th Polish Feature Film Festival you could see 8 films with our post-production. The main competition was attended by: Corpus Christi dir. Jan Komasa, cinematography Piotrek Sobociński; Darkness, Almost Night, dir. Borys Lankosz, photo: Marcin Koszałka; Icarus. The legend of Mietek Kosz. directed by Maciej Pieprzyca, cinematography Witold Płóciennik; Piłsudski, dir. Michał Rosa, cinematography Piotr Śliskowski (Piłsudski Film); Sweet End of the Day, dir. Jacek Borcuch, photo: Michał Dymek; Solid Gold, dir. Jacek Bromski, cinematography Arkadiusz Tomiak; Coldest Game, dir. Łukasz Kośmicki, photo: Paweł Edelman. PANORAMA OF POLISH CINEMA - (Non) Friends, dir. Tadeusz Śliwa, photo: Michał Dąbal